My Power Plants

Every designer and gardener has a number of trusted plants that they rely on to add lasting joy and value to any planting scheme. I call them Power Plants. This is an (incomplete) selection of mine.

1. Geranium ‘Rozanne’

When we rented our London house (and garden) to professional people, we did not appreciate just how uninterested our tenants were in even the most basic gardening. The result: all perennials perished after a year of snow followed by drought followed by torrential rain. All perennials, that is, except Geranium ‘Rozanne’. When even the boxwood had given up, the geraniums kept flowering in purple abundance all the way through October. Geranium ‘Rozanne’ is the plant for those with zero green fingers.

My Power Plants

2. Pittosporum ’Tom Thumb’

Shrubs give structure to a planting scheme. Evergreen Pittosporum ‘Tom Thumb’ is no exception. I love this shrub and prefer it to buxus because it keeps its shape over a long period of time. Even if like me, you one day decide to clip a row of pittosporums into cubes, pyramids and eggs. The ‘Tom Thumb’ variety has a beautiful dark bronze colour which makes it a great backdrop for bright green foliage and white flowers. In spring it displays very charming green new growth of its own.

3. Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’

Cornus in the garden makes me look forward to winter. Nothing packs a punch quite like a cloud of this variety of dogwood shrubs with its fiery orange-red branches. Cornus happily tolerates wet feet, is therefore ideal for the centre of a rain garden or areas of poor drainage. No winter garden should be without it.

4. Geum

You cannot have a spring-summer border without geums. Chances are you have one of their many many varieties in your garden already. Geums are the plant that keeps on giving, each little plant capable of producing hundreds of bright and delicate insect-magnets (aka flowers) per season. A real trouper.

5. Stipa tenuissima

I call stipas the blue jeans of the plant world. They go with absolutely everything. With elegant lilies or common milkweed, even with other grasses. Nothing provides more movement in a sweltering summer garden than a drift of Stipa tenuissima.

As I said in the beginning, this list is by no means complete, and I might publish part 2 soon.

Tell me about your Power Plants!

Quickstart Your Yard!

I am excited to announce a new service for clients in and around Seattle!

Quickstart Your Yard! is a personal 90-minute coaching session designed for those seeking ideas to transform their yards without investing in a full-scale construction project right away. In our conversation I will give sound, practical advice to my clients and will share insights into how they can make the most of their outdoor living spaces. 

When I moved with my family from London to Seattle, I had to learn about the diverse and unique plant world of the Pacific Northwest. It was a lot to take in in a short space of time. I did not know what grows in this zone (in fact I didn’t know about USDA hardiness zones at all before I moved here), had no idea about good local suppliers for plants and materials. Since then I have traveled around the PNW, have met with horticultural experts and wildlife champions, attended workshops and of course connected with suppliers and contractors as part of my design business. My membership in landscape and horticultural organizations enables me to keep up with latest trends and standards.

By offering this coaching session I want to share with Seattle homeowners (or landlords & renters!) my insights as an international landscape designer and my knowledge of gardening in the PNW. 

To book a Quickstart Your Yard! session with me, Heidi, please contact me via the contact form on this website.